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The 87th CMEF is on

2023-04-15 17:06:28 admin


The 87th China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF), organized by Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions, took place in Shanghai from May 14th to 17th. Various industry associations. societies, foundations, research institutions, and academic institutions supported the fair. With the theme "New Tech, Smart Future", this exhibition showcased the latest advancements in the medical equipment industry. There are variety of concurrent events. including the 34th International Component Manufacturing and Design Show (ICMD), International Rehabilitation and Personal Health Show (CRS), International Elderly Care and Nursing Show (CECN). Intelligent Health China (IHC). Emergency. Rescue&Safe China, International Life Care Products Exhibition (Life Care), and Animal Health Chino (AHC).

Employing the finest resources, this massive 320,000sqm exhibition demonstrated both the resilience of a recovered economy and the strength of the thriving medical equipment sector.The 87th CMEF brought together state-of-the-art technologies and hosted insightful academic discussions. Nearly 5,000 local and international exhibitors from across the industrial chain presented a selection the industry's most advanced products and introduced thousands of new innovations. More than 1,000 academic experts and opinion leaders engaged in nearly 80 forums, facilitating trend spotting and promoting idea exchange.

The 87th CMEF was a platform primed for new business opportunities and embracing globalization. The fair welcomed over 300,000 professional visitors from various medical institutions and distributors. The attendance of international visitors hailing from 139 countries and regions not only highlighted the fair's global appeal, but also cemented its role as a "gateway" for the global promotion of medical equipment.
