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Auto Hematology Analyzer Differential Medical Blood Analyzer Mindray BC-5390CRP
Auto Hematology Analyzer Differential Medical Blood Analyzer Mindray BC-5390CRP
Auto Hematology Analyzer Differential Medical Blood Analyzer Mindray BC-5390CRP
Auto Hematology Analyzer Differential Medical Blood Analyzer Mindray BC-5390CRP
Auto Hematology Analyzer Differential Medical Blood Analyzer Mindray BC-5390CRP
Auto Hematology Analyzer Differential Medical Blood Analyzer Mindray BC-5390CRP

Auto Hematology Analyzer Differential Medical Blood Analyzer Mindray BC-5390CRP

2024-04-07 16:52:22  

5-part Advanced Hematology Analyzer

  • Model No : BC-5390CRP
  • Features :


  • Dual CRP Analysis Channels for High Throughput,up to 60 samples per hour


  • Latex Immunoturbidimetric Technologguarantees the analyzing accuracy in fast dual-channel CBC+DIFF+CRP test.

  • Powerful reagent

New powerful reagent improves the 5-part WBC differentiation ability

  • NRBC parameters and flag


  • Capillary whole blood mode offers convenient analysis of pediatric and geriatric blood samples.

  • Thermostat storage and RF technology

  • Individual CRP test mode helps save hematology reagents on samples that need only CRP analysis.

  • NLR parameter in each CBC+DIFF



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